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About Us


Hello! We are a group of youths with a burning passion for politics and current affairs, seeking to offer detailed yet simple commentary on these issues. We are deeply concerned about the lack of accessible and in-depth analyses on these pressing issues, thus driving us to direct our efforts towards providing our readers with high-quality posts.

The Team



Seah Jin Kuan
- Editor - 

Jin Kuan’s no-nonsense attitude and strong work ethic brings strong value to the team, consistently contributing strong pieces. Offline, he possesses a burning passion for reading and games.

Lukas Loke
- Editor - 

Lukas is a key contributor to our blog posts. In addition to editing pieces from other writers, he also aids others in providing insightful and refreshing content to our site. Away from the hustle, Lukas delves into sports and entertainment, having a strong passion for football. 

Wang Dong Yu
- Editor - 

When he isn’t playing bullet chess or trying to teach his two cats tricks, DongYu can always be seen frantically typing behind his computer screen. Writing has always been a source of comfort for DongYu, especially as he finds himself navigating through the intricacies and nuances of issues held close to his heart. As a content creator for DD, DongYu is proud to produce quality and resourceful content for readers.

Charlotte Lim
- Editor - 

Charlotte is an aspiring law student with a passion for topics such as feminism, international politics and economics. Hobbies include reading, journaling and getting into arguments. 

Stacey Ngiam
- Editor - 

Curious about the world, Stacey enjoys exploring current affairs and social issues. An aspiring journalist, she hopes to bring refreshing, insightful perspectives through writing here at DD. Beyond DD, Stacey also delves into creative projects in music and film.

Keegan Goh
- Editor - 

Keegan can often be found in Starbucks, sipping on his fifth cup of iced latte. Harbouring a passion for controversy and global affairs, Keegan is excited to shed light on intriguing topics as a content creator for DD.

Dorine Wu
- Editor - 

When Dorine is not trying to catch up with the piling tasks on her to-do list, you may find her trying to catch up on sleep instead. Besides sleeping, her other hobbies include writing poetry, doodling and counting the number of stars she need for her next cup of free grande strawberry acai lemonade no ice.

Mabel Khor
- Editor - 

Mabel is a true Gemini, constantly seeking new experiences and adventure in her journey to self-discovery. Her hobbies are wide-ranging. Her hobbies are as diverse as her interests. When she's not engrossed in YouTube commentary about politics or social issues, she can be found at the gym or pilates class, or exploring Singapore on her own. You can never catch her taking a break.

Aaron Goh
- Editor - 

Hello Aaron here! I am interested in technology and current affairs. I write casually to explore topics of my interest in greater detail.

Elena Valdepenas
- Editor - 

As an introvert, Elena delights in reading and journalling. She attempts to hone her introspection and sense-making of the world through this project. Stress relief comes from watching sitcoms, a daily activity during her exam seasons.

Maximilian Ang
- Editor - 

Max is a science-stream student who often wonders how he developed his interest in the humanities. Discussing geopolitics is his cup of tea - a stark contrast to his other interest, Math (in particular Number Theory). Outside of the stresses of academics, he often compounds his stress level by supporting Scuderia Ferrari. (Box, box.)


Megan Kwek
- Social Media - 

A whiz behind the screen, Megan uses her innate creativity and Canva skills to revolutionise our publicity efforts, designing Instagram content to further our outreach efforts. With a keen eye for details, she is a breath of fresh air to the team. Beyond this, she dabbles in numerous hobbies, including crocheting and sports.

Jadelyn Sutopo
- Graphics Design - 

Jade possesses a natural and innate talent for graphic design that shines through in her work. Her extraordinary skills and creative vision are at the forefront of our Instagram outreach efforts, where she crafts visually captivating and engaging graphics that leave a lasting impression on our audience.

Cai Yiran
- Website Design - 

Yiran has played a game-changing role in the development of our webpage. Creative, inquisitive yet diligent, she artfully composes the different aspects of this website. Her experience dealing with visual graphics has also enabled her to help out with graphics when needed. Offline, she dabbles with a myriad of activities–from dance, to musical instrumentation, to exploring the realms of business and finance.

Tay Yu Zhe
- Social Media - 

Yu Zhe plays a central role in all publicity efforts of our blog, being at the forefront of our social media presence. His experience, vision and perception has led to consistently effective results in achieving our outreach goals. Offline, he engages in a multitude of team sports such as hockey and soccer. His knowledge and passion for current affairs has also established his participation in various MUN conferences.

Kelly Lim
- Website Design - 

Kelly is a self-proclaimed Canva veteran who spends too much of her time choosing fonts. In her free time, she enjoys different hobbies such as crocheting, jewelry making, drawing, and reading.


Ang Wei Ju
- Graphics Design - 

Wei Ju helps with video-form publicity for Discuss Diglett. Utilizing her creativeness and, explorative nature, she has contributed to our outreach efforts. In her free time, she could be seen trying to play a Kalimba or crocheting.

Contact us today!

Feel free to reach out to us at or @DiscussDiglett on Instagram.
All images used here are the property of their respective owners. Discuss Diglett does not claim ownership over any images used herein.
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